skatedeluxe Team - Lisbon Clip

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skatedeluxe Team - Lisbon Clip | LISDLX

Join the skatedeluxe team on their journey to Lisbon, Portugal in search of perfect spots and endless sun. This must be the place!

skatedeluxe Skate Team Lisbon Tour Edit | Lisdlx  

In the early summer this year, the skatedeluxe Skate Team with Denny Pham, Willow, Douwe Macare, Ben Dillinger and Christoph Radtke went through Lisbon, where hilly cobblestone deserts meet perfect spots in vastly varying districts. Cinematographer Severin Strauss and photographer Florian 'Burny' Hopfensperger joined in on the trip to capture it.

Lisbon Centre

Huge plazas with marble ledges and top-notch ground as far as the eye can see, enclosed by steep streets and a sea of cobblestone that cast a cloud over the search for the next spot. A quick stop in the next café for a Galão with Pastel de Nata and on to the next skate spot. Welcome to Lisbon!

Denny Pham Waxing Lisbon | skatedeluxe
Downhill Skateboarding Lisbon | skatedeluxe
Willow Ollie Lisbon | skatedeluxe
Ben Dillinger - Kickflip Lisbon | skatedeluxe
Willow - Flip BS Nosepick Lisbon | skatedeluxe