A Frontside Pop Shove-It is a very important fundamental trick where the board turns 180 degrees but the body remains in the same position. The execution of the Frontside Pop Shove-it is very close to the one of a regular Pop Shove-It with the difference that your board is turning along the backside of your board.
This trick is the perfect entry into the world of flips. But even pro skateboarders are using this one often and you won’t regret having learned the FS Pop Shove-It.
Learn here how to do a FS Pop Shove-It!
FS Pop Shove-It
Trick Tip Sequence: FS Pop Shove-It
Trick Tip Step By Step: FS Pop Shove-It
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1. The foot position is quite similar to an Ollie except you put your back foot a bit more on the outside of the tail to push it forward while popping the board.
2. As you pop the board and push it forward with your back foot, slightly move your front foot up and behind you.
What Trick Next?
The FS Pop Shove-It is an absolute basic flip that every skateboarder should have on lock. It’s fast, stylish, and relativly easy to learn. Now try a FS 360 Pop Shove-It!
More is waiting at our trick tip section for flat. But don’t hesitate to move on and check out our trick tip sections for transition and curb & rail.
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