Drop In means to enter a quarter from the top coping. This is the most important thing to learn if you want to ride transitions. Therefore, it’s the foundation of every other trick you can do in a mini ramp or a quarter.
Nevertheless, it takes some guts at first to head into a transition and lean forward with your board. But the fear will go away fast and after a few tries you won’t even think about it as a trick. Once you feel comfortable doing Drop Ins on a quarter pipe try to drop in on something a bit higher and see how high you can go.
Learn here how to do a Drop In!
Drop In
Trick Tip Sequence: Drop In
Trick Tip Step By Step: Drop In
Click to enlarge
2. Now stand with all your weight on the tail while your front foot is positioned on the bolts of your front truck with no weight on it.
3. While dropping in, it is very important to shift your weight on the front truck and to lean your body forward.
At the beginning, this may take some effort because it can feel a bit scary but this is the only way to avoid falling backwards.
4. While rolling out keep your body centered and don’t lean too much forward to avoid falling over your nose.
What Trick Next?
Got it? Good! Now it’s time to get into the real tricks for transitions. Go and try to do a Rock to Fakie now!
You got this already? No reason to stop. There’s a lot more to learn in our trick tip section for transition. If you are tired of that and want to learn something else instead just check out our trick tips for flat and curb and rail.
Hi there!
Im a fairly new skateboarder and I would just like to know, what is the best way to get the hang of an ollie? Is there any specific thing i have to do, or is it something that I will get the hang of over time? I’m not sure if what I am doing is right, but all I know is that so far I have popped the tail off of the ground. Please let me know!
Also, what are the 5 best things you can do to prepare yourself for dropping in? I just get too nervous, and always chicken out in the end. Any advice on what to do? Do I just need to commit more? It doesn’t need to be just 5 either. It can be as many pointers as you might have!
In any case, I really just would like to get a second opinion on these things, and this seems like a good place to get that! Thanks so much!
Spencer Kingsley
Hey Spencer, for Ollie tips I recommend our trick tip on this trick: Check it out here
About the drop in: it’s fairly normal to get nervous while learning how to drop in, we’ve all been there, don’t worry.
I’d recommend the following:
– Take “baby steps”. Frist learn how to roll down a bank, then maybe a steeper bank. Afterwards look for the most mellow transition and progress from there.
– Don’t pressure yourself. Skate parks can be intimidating, but you don’t have to prove yourself to anyone. Some days you won’t feel in your best constitution, those are not the days to learn new tricks. Also, in the mornings skate parks are usually less crowded – perfect time for practicing!
– Wear protective gear. No brainer, but can take off the edge when trying new things on transition obstacles.
– Bring a homie. Sometimes it’s nice to have someone with you, who might assist you. Many skaters learn the drop in while someone holds them by the arms.
– Lean forward. Seriously, the only thing you can really do wrong on this one is leaning backwards. If you lean forward too much you can fall as well, but you see what’s going on in front of you and can use your hands to break the fall. The other way around, well, you get the deal.
In the end you’re right. It is mostly about commitment as with most stuff in skateboarding. But you’ll get there!
Hope this helps. Have fun!
Standing up to straight I fell back Dropping in on a 9ft transition ramp I broke my leg ,I rolled up it after skating in Seattle, Washington Seattle center skatepark . I haven’t been able to drop in on anything big since any advice on ,fear ?
First of all, don´t let fear dictate your skating.
I would suggest to slowly rebuild your confidence by dropping in on smaller quarterpipes and mini ramps.
Once you feel safer you can begin to adress bigger ramps again. Of course, you can also wear a helmet. This will definitely make you feel safer when adressing bigger stuff in the skate park.
If you continue to feel unsafe, try and skate other things. There is plenty of options and ways to skate, just find something that gives you pleasure and makes you feel good.
Hi I can now drop in but I jump off at the other end otherwise the front of my board goes over the top at the other end. What’s the easiest thing to do once I get to the other end?
congrats on dropping in!
When you’re heading towards the other transition of a mini ramp you can try to learn some basic lip tricks, i.e.:
Rock to Fakie
Rock ‘n’ Roll
Joe Eberling
Hi Enrico,
Do you have any how-to videos for first-time skateboarders?
How about something for parents of first-time skateboarders?
What´s easier: Drop in, or axle drop in?
Hi Manuel,
I’d say that the “normal” Drop In is way easier than the Axle Drop In.
Especially when learning to drop in, you’ll find out how to shift your weight on the front truck and to lean your body forward with the “normal” drop in. You’ll also need this as a base for the axle drop in.
Since you also need to add a 90° turn when doing the Axle Drop In, the normal Drop In is easier and the better objective for the start.
But, of course, it also depends on what feels easier for you…