The Pop Shove-It is a very important fundamental trick. With the Pop Shove-It the board turns backside for 180 degrees but the body remains in the same position. This trick is a good entry to flips thus it’s not too complicated to perform. But even if you get the drift easy, this trick will be of good value if you progress way further. So don’t miss to add this trick to your menu!
Learn here how to do a Pop Shove-It!
Pop Shove-It
Trick Tip Sequence: Pop Shove-It
Trick Tip Step By Step: Pop Shove-It
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2. When popping the tail, you drag the tail in a scoop like motion across the ground behind you. The front foot only has to do a little bit.
3. Very slightly push your front foot up and out in front of you as you pop and scoop the tail with your back foot.
Pop Shove-It trick tipp: FAQ
Your board spins, but you can’t catch it or it lands in front of you.
The difficulty with many tricks is to stay above the board while doing the trick. If your board tends to land in front of you instead of under your feet, the chances are high that you’re in a supine position while jumping, which results in your board moving away from you. Try to concentrate on keeping your body’s centre of gravity above and not behind your board during the take-off. As the board spins 180° beneath you, catch it with your feet and get those well-deserved high fives from your homies!
Tips for not landing with your feet together? I just can’t seem to correct this. Sometimes I roll away fine but typically it means I’m going down and now my board is a projectile.
this one is hard to answer without seeing it to be honest. When your board shoots away from you when landing it could also mean that you lean too much to the front or back while catching your board.
Anyway, when you catch with your feet together you should take a look at your foot placement and try to rearrange it.
Also: for the pop shove-it you mainly use your back foot to spin the board. Your front foot barely does anything but wait for the board and catch it. Take a look at the sequence and pay attention to the front foot. Hope it helps – good luck.
P.S. Make sure to yell “board” when your board turns projectile at the park again ;)
What if I can’t get the board to pop? Also, I can’t get the 180 motion when on my board?
the pop and 180 motion should both come from your back foot.
Popping the trick is pretty much the same like popping an Ollie.
To make the board spin, you’ve got to move your back foot a little bit backward. Take a look at the clip and you’ll get the idea. ;)