Frontside Boardslide is the term for sliding with the middle of your board on a rail or ledge that is in front of you therefore “Frontside.”
The FS version of the Boardslide is slightly harder than the BS version because you only turn your hips into the slide instead of your whole body. This makes it more difficult to balance. It will help you to have BS 180 Ollies on lock to get a feeling for the movement.
Learn here how to do a FS Boardslide!
FS Boardslide
Trick Tip Sequence: FS Boardslide
Trick Tip Step By Step: FS Boardslide
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1. Approach the ledge almost parallel while you put your feet in an Ollie position and Ollie up towards the ledge.
2. To get the middle of your board on the ledge you have to do half a Backside 180 Ollie, so a Backside 90 degree Ollie.
Aiming with the middle of your board is not too difficult because the middle of your board has a lot of space to slide on. To prevent your board from cracking you should try not to jump too high and to land smoothly on the rail or ledge.
3. To have a good balance while sliding, try to have your feet on top of the bolts of your trucks and your bodyweight centered to avoid slipping back.
It’s Important that you only turn your hips into the slide position and keep your shoulders straight. Also, try to look in the direction you are sliding.
4. At the end of the ledge or rail, move your hips back to the straight riding position and roll away clean.
What Trick Next?
Boardslides are fun no matter which direction you go. Keep practising them and try out new spots. Are you hyped and want to learn more? Than go for a FS Noseslide!
Or just check out some other trick tips for curb and rail. Flips and Spins can be found in our flat tricks section. For some mini ramp tricks head over to our trick tips for transition.