A Switch Kickflip or Heelflip is simply a Kick- or Heeflip in your switch stance position. It’s also called Switch Flip! The switch stance position is the opposite position of how you would normally ride. For example if you ride regular with your left foot forward then switch would be riding goofy with your right foot forward and vice versa.
First learn to ride switch and do switch Ollies. Therefore, the difficult part is that you perform this trick with your untrained leg. But all it takes is patience and practice.
It will help you a lot if you know how to do a normal Heel- and Kickflip. You will notice that riding switch feels strange and different, because automatically your shoulders are more parallel to the board.
Learn here how to do a Switch Kickflip / Switch Heelflip!
Switch Kickflip / Switch Heelflip
Trick Tip Sequence: Switch Kickflip / Switch Heelflip
Trick Tip Step By Step: Switch Kickflip / Switch Heelflip
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1. For Switch Kickflips you place your front foot on the edge of the board so that your heels hang off more, which makes it easier to do the flick and flip the board.
The foot position for Switch Heels is a lot like the regular Heelflip.
2. The front foot is placed near the bolts of the front truck or slightly behind them with the toes hanging off the edge of the board. Put your back foot a bit more towards the outside of the tail, so you can get a good pop.
3. Now like with the regular Kickflip or Heelflip, bend down, pop the tail, jump, flip the board with the Kickflip motion or the Heelflip motion, land on the bolts and roll away.
What Trick Next?
The Switch Kickflip / Switch Heelflip can cost you some nerves but are worth the pain. If you have them on lock you can take the next step and try some Nollie Flips.
For other flips and spins check out our trick tips for flat. More skills needed? Just scroll through our trick tip section for transition and curb and rail.